Today I tried the Ionic1 and ionic2 Templates for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
None of them seem to work properly. (NPM Dependencies couldnt be downloaded, the Angular Module couldnt’t be found and so and and so on…).
In another thread i read the advice not to use ionic with Visual Studio. Is it that way it should be or did I miss something fundamental.
I would expect downloading the templates, creating a sample tab or sidemenu project and hitting F5 should show first results (this is what VS usualy does with every build in project template).
I use Sublime. If you want something high-end, WebStorm is supposed to have excellent Typescript support. If you want something like Visual Studio, VS Code is supposed to work well with Ionic. I started with Visual Studio, ran into problems, and switched to Sublime, which supports Ionic and Angular much better. So I’m one of the people recommending not to use Visual Studio.
I am new to everything around npm including angular, etc. Altough I am invovled in NPM based projects using sublime or VS Code I am still not fond of it. I like it to have everything inside on particular IDE that provides the project template and structure, compiling, webhosting for debugging, packaging, TFS integration, etc.
To me it seems everything around these modules can be done with Visual Studio but yet there are no really good templates to start with.