I’m trying to make an app with ionic 2, I’m almost done but I have some behaviours I don’t really understand.
I have a main page with 4 tabs.
Each tab is a view.
In my views i have some code in ionViewDidLoad and ionViewDidEnter and i see thoses funcions are called at every tab change, for every tabs, whatever the selected tab is.
Is this the normal behavior ? Isn’t ionViewDidLoad supposed to run only when the view is shown for the first time, and ionViewDidEnter only when the view is shown ?
What am I supossed to use to run code only when the tab is actually selected ?
I updated ionic just now and my package.json to see if it was a bug that may have been corrected with the official release, but I still have this behavior.
MainPage.ts :
@ViewChild('tabs') tabs: Tabs;
pages = [
{ root: RallyePage, icon: "icon-picto_menu_map"},
{ root: QuizzPage, icon: "icon-picto_menu_quizz", b:true},
{ root: ClassementPage, icon: "icon-picto_menu_ranking"},
{ root: MorePage, icon: "icon-picto_menu_more"}
MainPage.html :
<ion-tabs #tabs>
<ion-tab *ngFor="let p of pages" [tabIcon]="p.icon" [root]="p.root" [tabBadge]="(p.b && !quizz.ended) ? '!' : ''"> </ion-tab>
RallyePage.ts :
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('loaded at every tab change');
console.log('enter at every tab change');
Thank you in advance for your help !