Using "collection-repeat" with "ion-slide"


I am using ion-slidebox inside a modal to implement a media slideshow. I have some performance issues with huge-sized images and videos that make my app crash after swiping through lots of them. Finally I came up with collection-repeat which should be very handy for my case. The problem is, by simply just replacing ng-repeat with collection-repeat, the slideshow does not work since collection-repeat adds an extra wrapper div tag around io-slide tags.

Any ideas?

Did you ever find a solution for this?

no need for collection repeat. if you know you have a huge list of slides only render 3 or 5 of them --> so you have one or three previous/next slides in the dom. if you slide to the next slide --> add a new one at the end and remove the first one :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply!
I also ended up with thinking of doing this. But a collection repeat would fit in a lot better in my current architecture/design and would keep the whole stuff simple.
Edit: I finally found another solution / different ui flow… =)

But others how are landing here:

if you slide to the next slide → add a new one at the end and remove the first one :slight_smile:

Thank you buddy, I have already implemented what you suggested, but does not solve my problem. My problem is not running out of memory when opening one slideshow, but as I keep closing and opening different slideshows, the app crashes. Thought probably collection-repeat would solve it.