Unknown Cause of White Overlay When Scrolling

So i have an ionic tab app.

Each tab is made up of multiple components that are Cards containing Lists.

The issue i am having is when i run the app on my iOS device and then scroll up and down on a tab page, the components temporarily become partially unrendered, then have to rerender causing a sort of flashing effect.

Has anyone else run into this? This doesn’t happen in the browser, it only happens on my device and the emulator.

Device is iphone 6 and emulator is iphone SE.

Can you provide a screenshot of what you are sseing and what it should look like?

Did you remote debug the problem on the device already? Follow these instructions here to debug the problem in Safari dev tools: Remote Debug your Ionic App · ionic.zone Look at the console and network tabs for errors.

This only happens when scrolling at normal speed.

If you scroll slowly you don’t get the same effect.

Are you using the WkWebView plugin?

It should improve the overall performance, as well as fix scroll issues.

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Did you remote debug the problem on the device already? Follow these instructions here to debug the problem in Safari dev tools: https://ionic.zone/debug/remote-debug-your-app#ios Look at the console and network tabs for errors.

yes i already ran through the remote debug process. No errors have been thrown.

I did not however have WkWebView installed so I am testing that now.

Web view solved the issue.

Thanks a lot, had it installed on my Ionic V1 app, but slipped my mind this time around.

Good call!