Ugly URL with tabs + lazy loading + deeplinking

I cloned the starter ionic2-starter-tabs and added lazy loading to get deeplinking. The default URL for example the HomePage is http://localhost:8100/#/nav/n4/tabs/tabs/t0/home/home, which contains a lot of duplicates (the first tabs is the page’s name and the second tabs is the segment name in @IonicPage).

Is there a way to prevent this? I uploaded the ionic2-starter-tabs with the changes for lazy loading to GitHub.

Thanks for any advice!


According to changelogs, URL handling is in flux. I would not spend any time involving it at present.

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Is there a temporary solution to disable the url router?

Want to know this too. I am building a pwd base on ionic2.

User will see this strange url on desktop browser.

Running into this same issue myself. Any fix yet?