Trigger scrollToTop() event in side menus

I have two side menus (left and right) like facebook.
and each menu, i have ion-content.

How do i access the ion-content and trigger scrollTo() or scrollToTop() event?

<ion-menu side="left">
<ion menu side="right">

<ion-nav id="nav" [root]="rootPage" #content swipe-back-enabled="false"></ion-nav>

Well, First Create a side menu:

<ion-menu side="left">
<ion menu side="right">
          All the contents goes here
     <buttton (click)="slideUP()">Move to Top</button>
<ion-nav id="nav" [root]="rootPage" #content swipe-back-enabled="false"></ion-nav>

In your .ts file

import {ViewChild} from ‘@angular/core’;
import {Content} from ‘ionic-angular’;

export class SamplePage{
  @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;

  slideUP() {

I had the same feature implemented in one of my app where the side has a long description about a product so can users can jump back to top easily.

Well in my case i would need to trigger event from Home Page component (my side menu is on App component). This will be a button to open side menu. However the button itself is not inside ion-content, so can’t use your logic using viewchild.

I have use the code from chandroiud but only scrolls up the left menu, the rigth menu is ignored. Is there any way to have a reference to the right content or both contents?

did you find the workaround??
I’m trying to get the full width side-menu.

No, I actually tried doing this but didn’t work…

First you give a name for the element like below

<ion-content #giveContentName>

In your controller, you would need

@ViewChild('giveContentName') content: Content;
// and somewhere in your code.. 

it didn’t give any errors, but just didn’t work.

actually, i have solved this after i posted.

just simply set the tag with the with of 360px;

width: 360px;

this will give you full with side-menu

This worked for me but only when the menu is being shown. In my case I show notification list on the menu, and the content changes on different pages. I would like to scroll to the top when I change the content, when the menu is not being shown. Is there someway to do it? Currently I’m scrolling to the top using the ionOpen event

The reason it doesn’t work is because the triggers display: none; and display: block; for it’s visibility. So scrollToTop() doesn’t work for elements with display: none;

Anyway, there’s a solution to force scroll the side menu to top on close.

<ion-menu side="left" id="main-nav" (ionClose)="closingNavCallback()" [content]="content">
  <ion-content #navChild>
ion-menu {
	&#main-nav {
		display: block !important;
		visibility: hidden;

	&.show-menu {
		visibility: visible !important;

and in your app.component.ts

  closingNavCallback() {

This will scroll top your side menu always when it’s being closed.