I am new in developing an ionic application.
I’ve created an app with the “ionic start myApp sidemenu” and I am modifying it.
I’ve added a login page at the begining, without any logic, simply linking to the main page wich there is a list of events.
After clicking an event there should appear a view with 3 tabs and by default a list of users. There should be a transition from the list of events to the event details and a back button to return to the list of events.
Here I have trhee problems:
1- The first time I click an event, the app goes back to login screen, after that, I can enter the event without problems. I think this is related to the tabs in event details, beacuse if I remove the tabs then it loads the event details page without going to login screen again.
2- Clicking an event opens the event details but without the sliding transition and without the back button in the event details to go back to events list.
3.- Inside the event details the list of users doesn’t appear.
This is a codepen: http://codepen.io/davidrojo/pen/gajvQE?editors=101
This is a codepen without the tabs (fixes problem 1 but i want tabs in the event view): http://codepen.io/davidrojo/pen/zvLRyz