Greetings everyone, I’m having a tough time with the tabs component. I have a details view with 3 tabs each tab shows different attributes of the item here is the skeleton of the view
The issue with this is when I navigate to the /details/:id it shows the content of the details view but the title of the last tab, in this case “Even more details…”. What I doing wrong?
I think the issue is that you have multiple ion-view tags. There is a good example here of using tabs with ui-router that has each tab content in a separate template. Doing it that way means that there is only one active ion-view per route.
Alternately if you don’t need the title to change you can modify your tab markup to be
<ion-tab title="Details">
<!-- View content -->
<ion-tab title="More details...">
<!-- View content -->
More Details...
<ion-tab title="Even more details...">
<!-- View content -->
Even more details..