The touch feedback triggers when you press slow enough, but when you rappidly navigate through the views, the touch feedback rarely triggers.
Some quick diving in the code tells me you wait 80 ms to trigger the active state, after a touchstart, does this timeout get cancelled when a new view is being loaded? If so, anything to prevent that?
The app works fast, but not having visual feedback on taps makes it feel slower.
(I’m using v1.0.0-beta.6, tested on nexus 7, various galaxies)
Have you tried to tap a button really quickly? (quickly enough to fire the event though) On beta 5/Android I can simulate scenario when the button is clicked but no feed back appeared. If I press it a little bit longer, it’s ok.
Did some testing last night actually, and feed back was great. Around beta 3-4 touch events were a little off but it’s been a lot better in the new betas