Support for IE11?

We are trying use one code base for both mobile app and web app, but we need to support IE 11 and up. I understand phone native features will not work, but many of the IONIC UI component are also not working in IE 11, is there any polyfill we can use to make it all the component run in IE11? Is there future plan to support IE browsers? What about stencil? Would stencil built component support IE11 in the future?


ähhhhm if i have this in correct in my mind stencil creates native webcomponents… and there are no native webcomponents in IE11, because there is no shadowdom support.

“…generates 100% standards-based Web Components that run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 spec”


But base on browser support it does support IE 11. However which built using Stencil does not work properly in IE11, when I try to navigate to the second page using the “Next” link the page will become not clickable.

Because of the Polyfills, yes.

But we have to look, how ionic will use stencil for the ionic framework, e.g. Styling and so on.
I thought ionic v3 . supports IE11.

But maybe there are some stylings or IE11 quirks like flexbox-stuff, that breaks IE11 compatibility.

my understanding is that with ionic 4 all the ionic components will be created using stencil. Does this imply that IE 11 will be supported?

If there are plans for Ionic to really support PWAs, IE11 is still heavily used in many government agencies. A position from the ionic team would be helpful.

In my experience with Ionic 3, most of the components can run with IE11 except for the ion-datetime component. See for more background. There are other Angular components that could be used for datettime purposes. In practice, it may be a good idea to recommend Chrome & Safari and let the user continue with IE11 if they want to. IE 10 and lower don’t seem to work at all.

It looks like Ionic 4 will support IE11 based on

Hey just wanted to comment on this. While Stencil can support IE11, it only can do this through many polyfils. Ionic currently does not use the polyfils needed for IE11 support and there has been no interest/time in adding those to the framework at the moment

While Ionic 4 will be build built with Stencil/web-components, IE 11 support is not our top priority, as it’s market share is fairly low.

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Hi Ionic 4 will work Properly in IE 11?

Please see the browser support page on our docs

Mind you, IE11 is dying and should be avoided in general.

Any plans to support IE11.

I am trying to make ionic-react run on IE11.

I tried to use react-app-polyfill, but still got issues on IE debugger like
object doesn’t support property or method 'foreach’

This was the boilerplate code.
Any idea, what can be done now ?

npm install nodelist-foreach-polyfill is also not helping.