Starter CodePen for Ionic 2 to demonstrate functionality or use to show issues

Does one exist anywhere? I know how to start a project from the command line and I am not looking for sample code.

I am looking for a way to quickly demonstrate functionality, show someone else an issue i have encountered or quickly try something out.


Try this one:

ionic start myTutorial tutorial --v2

it is updated eleven days ago… so maybe it is working^^

What are you trying to experience or learn about specifically?

i am not trying to learn this I am asking if there is a codepen template for ionic2… for me to build samples on or to show an issue i am having when I log a bug

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I know how to start a project, I have been okaying with this for about 3 months now, I am looking for a codepen template for ionic2… for me to build samples on or to show an issue i am having when I log a bug

Oh I understand you need now. I was trying to find one awhile ago but I couldn’t.

What I ended up doing is uploading the www directory to my website and sending the link to someone. It’s not that big and it works fine as a website.

If you haven’t found an Ionic 2 CodePen starter yet, try:



I have updated the codepen for the beta.2 (after switch to ionic-angular package). It required not only changes in the include but the import as well.

Am not necessarily that familiar with SystemJs but using System.import(‘ionic-angular/index’) made it work.


I was looking for one with sidemenu template. Couldn’t find any so created one.

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Here’s an Ionic 2 SideMenu starter Plunker. I based the system.js loading on the Angular 2 quickstart guide. There still a couple things to workout like the fonts but I think it’s a decent start

Ionic 2 (beta 7) SideMenu Template

Ionic 2 (beta 8) Basic Template