I copy and pasted all the imports and head settings into a new codepen from a codepen that has a beautifully working example of a side menu and list icons, but when I swapped in my own basic template, nothing worked. I’m not sure where to go from here.
Link to the working code pen I copied from https://codepen.io/johnnyfittizio/pen/xRXJWd?editors=1010
Here is a link to my codepen https://codepen.io/spilot/pen/oWgQwK
I removed everything from the first @Page decorator all the way down to the console error logs. And replaced it with a basic template
My code
System.import('ionic-angular').then(ionic => {
let App = ionic.App;
let IonicApp = ionic.IonicApp;
let Platform = ionic.Platform;
let Page = ionic.Page;
let NavController = ionic.NavController;
let NavParams = ionic.NavParams;
System.import('angular2/core').then(ng => {
let Inject = ng.Inject;
template: `
<ion-title>Hello World </ion-title>
class homepage {
}).catch(err => { console.error(err) });
}).catch(err => { console.error(err) });
how can I make this work?