Some ionic icons are not displayed on iOS 9.3.2, but works on iOS 10 (tested on 10.0.2)

I’m developing photogram mobile app using ionic 2(rc4).
But I faced the following issues, some ionic icons are not displayed, or doesn’t work on iOS 9, but works properly on iOS 10 or Web browser (Google chrome or Safari).
Please check the icons on the bellow screenshots.

1. iPhone 5+ with iOS 9.3.2 (Error)

2. iPhone 6+ with iOS 10.0.2 (Works fine)

3. Web browser( Google Chrome 55.0.x) (Works fine)

# Dev Environment
- ionic cli: 2.1.18
- node.js: 6.9.2
- npm:  3.10.9
- cordova: 6.4.0
- OS: OS X EI Capitan 10.11.6, Windows 10 x64


Have you inspect those devices where the icon does not work? What are the dev tools telling?

Hi @mhartington,

it works on iPhone 6+ with iOS 10.0.2 properly, but occurs on iPhone 5+ with iOS 9.3.2.
And it doesn’t say any errors on console(Xcode 7.3)

I meant, inspect the element with safari dev tool.
See if there if there’s any sizing issues preventing them, or what