Ionic dont load my custom icons and splash screens on iphone

Hi @ all.

I have create new app-icons and splash screens ( ios & android ).
On android all looks fine ( emulator and Samsung phone ).
On ios it looks good if i use the emulator. On my iphone5 i see only the default icons/screens with the robot.

my steps:

$ cordova platform rm ios
$ cordova platform rm android
$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova platform add android
( i dont use ionic… because its failed to copy the installed plugins )
now i copy the images to the folders
$ ionic build android
$ ionic emulate android ( looks good )
$ ionic run android ( looks good on device )
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios ( looks good with my icons and screens )

  • start xcode
  • take a look on General -> Launch Images and General -> App Icons ( see my custom stuff )
  • run the app on phone ( i get the default cordova icons )

What is my mistake??? Any idea?

I test it on two Iphone5 and one Iphone 4.
It is everywhere the same problem.

I don’t know if you resolved it. I have similar issue. Why I said similar is I have only issue on iPhone 6+ which is iOS 9.3.
I tested with other iPhones.
iPhone 5c (iOS 8.x) works
iPhone 5c (iOS 9.3) works.
iPhone 6+ (iOS 9.3) shows cordova robot image.

I don’t know where to start to looking for.
