slideBox - scroll does not return to the last point it out

I have 3 pages in slide and scroll with the list, I click on an item, I move to another page, as soon as I click on Back is not saving me the last point I was and put me to Top of Page
This is my code:

    if($stateParams.slidenum) {
        $timeout( function() {
            $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', $stateParams.slidenum);
        }, 50);

$scope.dataSlide = {};
$scope.dataSlide.currSlide = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex();

$scope.slideChanged = function() {
	$scope.dataSlide.currSlide = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex();
	$timeout( function() {
	}, 50);

Please help me it is urgent for me

Can you setup a CodePen sample? I think you need to be setting the active-slide.

Scroll down and click on click here then click on back
This goes back to the beginning of the page and it’s not what I need

Here’s a working sample :

NOTE : I had to get rid of your ng-if for each slide. Well, actually, I only NEEDED to remove it for the second slide. When changing back to that slide, the `ng-if`` occurs AFTER the slide change event, so there was nothing to scroll to.

But I need what is in ng-if

It is for this: Slide-box Dynamic Height

Please help me it is urgent for me