in an ionic project, how to make the images appear on the phone.
I put my images in an img folder present in www. when i do ionic serve or ionic lab, my images show up well but when i do ionic cordova build android, no picture is displayed.
how to arrange that please?
put your images in src/assets/img/
and load them with relative paths like assets/img/img.png
works for me.
for me, it works when I use the img tag.
but when I try to put the same image as the background of a div by doing eg background: url (’./ assets / img / myImage.jpg’), the image is displayed in the browser but when i install the application on my phone, the image is no longer displayed.
try instead
url (’assets/img/myImage.jpg’)
without the ./
in the front
like @user5555 adviced everything in src is copied at build prozess to the www folder.
Maybe from foo.scss works url(’…/assets/…
Maybe from foo.ts works url('assets/…
Best reagrds, anna-liebt
it still does not work @user5555
Anna I can not understand the last 2 lines of your comment.
I am French speaking, I use a translation software to translate your messages
can you explain again?
foo is a placeholder of your filename.
So yourfilename.scss, from where your css will created, need as far as I know (because I am a bloody beginner on web things) a path, for example for background
background-image: url('../assets/backgrounds/hotthings.png');
and is in html used as
<ion-content class='myclass'></ion-content>
If you will set background in yourfilename.html you set for example
<ion-content style='background-image: url(assets/backgrounds/hotthings.png'>
If you set it to a image it looks like
<img src='assets/backgrounds/hotthings.png'>
So depending where you set it und to what you set it, it will look a little bit different.
I often set things from yourfilename.ts and here I use the path like in .html will needed.
Sorry for my bad english, but my french is much more worser, okay a few not acceptable words and sentence I can speak understandable.
Best regards, anna-liebt
I would strongly recommend learning english. It’s very useful in programming. By the way english isn’t my native language either - im german.
I already do it
thank you for the recommendation
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