I’m having some trouble to show the scrollbar in Android devices, it’s working in all the others platforms (iOS and Windows)
To be more precise, the scroll is available. I can go down and up but I cannot see the scrollbar and only on an android device. I tried on a 4.4.4 and a 6.0.1 OS version.
I made an example : http://codepen.io/rberthome/pen/mEyMov
This will work on your desktop browser and even in your smartphone through your browser.
To reproduce the issue you have to put the code in a ionic project. Follow these steps :
- Create a blank project => ionic start NoScrollBarAndroid blank
- Add android platform => ionic platform add android
- Replace the body of your index.html file with the codeopen one
- Add the controller from the codeopen project to the app.js
- Copy the content of the CSS part to the style.css
- just run the application on your android (phone or simulator) => ionic run android
Do you have any workaround to correct this ?