Sachin Duggal : How can I embed a mobile website into my Ionic app without causing overflow or disabling scrolling?

Hi Community,

I’m Sachin Duggal , and I am the owner of a bags manufacturing business. I’m trying to embed a mobile website into my Ionic app. As an example, I used an iFrame to embed the Bootstrap homepage. Initially, everything looks good when the app loads. However, after navigating to a subpage within the iFrame, I notice the content’s width expands, causing overflow, and the content becomes unreadable. Additionally, scrolling inside the iFrame is disabled after loading the subpage.

Is there an easy way to embed a fully mobile-friendly website into an Ionic app that avoids these issues?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Sachin Duggal

Doing this is highly discouraged. First, performance will take a hit. Second, the Apple store will probably reject the app as they don’t allow apps that are just embedding a website.

If you are still going to try going down this road, please share the code that you have so far and what you have tried.