Responsive website using ionic 3

Is it possible to create a responsive website using ionic 3…?

Yes, by using ionic grid.
Just don’t use any cordova/ionic-native plugins.

“Just don’t use any cordova/ionic-native plugins”

if you don’t mind can you please explain it …?

it will be very helpful…

thanks in advance.

When you create the ionic project with the cli, for example:
$ionic start myProject sidemenu
It will ask you a few questions. Choose “No” when It asks if you want to run it on ios/android devices.
After you create the project, don’t run commands:
$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova platform add android
to add any platforms.
And don’t use any ionic-native plugins listed here:

or install any cordova plugins directly.

You can use all components:

and any Angular components.

Just develop your ionic app as if you’re developing a PWA app. Once you’ve done, build your final www folder with:
#npm run ionic:build --prod

Then you can deploy the files in the www folder to any web servers.

I am also a noob but what I described was working for me and I hope it helps you as well.

Actually, there are some native plugins do support browser platform:

But anyway, I don’t use them. I just use plain html5, javascript, angular, ionic 3 grid, ionic 3 components.

Thanks for your help

can i run ionic serve or ionic lab command …?

if not, how can i see the output…?

You can use ionic serve or you can also see your output on ionic devApp as well

You are welcome. I am also learning and I know how the feeling is like when you’re waiting for help.
And as @umerf6455 mentioned, you can use ionic serve command. as for ionic lab, I am not sure it’s helpful in this case.

When ionic 4+capacitor is released, you will be able to use one codebase for browser and ios/android. Currently, I am building my web app in the way I described and most of the code still can be shared to build the hybrid apps for ios/android.

Thanks for your concern @umerf6455 and @lolaswift1 .

@lolaswift1 Best wishes for your development…

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thx and good luck too!

Welcome sir :slight_smile:

ionic start big-top --no-cordova blank

For example:

Sorry for the late replay

So we can’t use any kind of ionic-native plugins while developing a responsive website .
How can i then access camera or geo-locations or something else packages which included in ionic-native plugins;

eg: let’s say i am uploading a file to firebase .In order to get the file i have to install fileChooser plugin from ionic-native;But ionic-native plugin is restricted while developing a Responsive website;

How can i then access the file from my local system;