Replacements for @ionic-native/google-maps and @ionic-native/qrscanner packages

I have an old cordova project in Angular 13, managed to update to Angular 15, the goal is to eventually migrate to capacitor , but I can’t update @ionic/angular @ionic/angular-toolkit and @ionic/cordova-builders, because @ionic-native/core has a dependency to an older rxjs version.
As the @ionic-native packages have been moved to awesome-cordova-plugins, I cant find any hassle free replacements for @ionic-native/google-maps and @ionic-native/qrscanner packages.
I would really appreciate if someone who has gone trough this or has had any experience with ionic-native plugins could help me.

Have you looked at the new first party Capacitor plugins?

Ionic native was replaced by awesome-cordova-plugins 3 years ago

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