Recommendation for end-to-end testing frameworks to use with Ionic + Capacitor?

What is the current recommendation for end-to-end testing frameworks to use with Ionic + Capacitor?

This blog post recommends WebDriverIO + Appium but it is 2 years old. Is this still the best recommendation or are there other newer/better options to consider?

Eventually, I would like to run the tests as part of CI/CD for both web and native-mobile builds. Using something like GitHub Actions, Netlify Deploy, AWS Amplify Hosting, Firebase Test Lab, AWS Device Farm, etc… or AppFlow.

Unfortunately, it seems like work on the linked reference example was abandoned; it’s more of a proof of concept than something you can easily install and use yourself.

For general testing, I think Playwright is a great fit for Ionic. It’s fast and easy to set up, and it runs well on GitHub Actions, GitLab, and other CI/CD services.

The problem with playwright is that it can only test your PWA, so for the “app” features (like IAP, push notifications, and everything else capacitor provides), you need to use something like WDIO and Appium as suggested in the post you linked to.

There is an open feature request to add actual device testing support to Playwright, and it is the most upvoted issue in the Playwright repo. No progress has been made in a few years, but perhaps one day it will get added, which would make this kind of testing much easier.