Rating control in ui-bootstrap not working on ionic

I use ionic framework 0.9.22 ( lastest version ). So i want Rating UI component in Angular UI-Bootstrap every thing look like ok when loading but the control was disappear.

I use in Modal below is my code

( app.js )

angular.module('todo',['PhoneGap', 'ionic', 'todo.controllers','ui.bootstrap'])

( index.html )

<rating value="rate" max="max" readonly="isReadonly" on-hover="hoveringOver(value)" on-leave="overStar = null"></rating>

Problem solve due to name conflig with Bootstrap.css ( Modal ) from Angular ui-bootstrap. actually ui control work well ( need adjust littbit about glyph ) but you need change CSS Map instead. Done :slight_smile:

I am having the same exact problem. Would you be kind enough to share the details of your workaround? Thank you so much!

Please have a look at this link for rating component.