I had push notifications working fine on the previous version and I am now migrating them to use the new version. My app successfully registers a device token and when I send a push message:
$url = ‘https://api.ionic.io/push/notifications’;
$data = array(
‘tokens’ => $tokens, ‘profile’ => ‘push_not’,
‘notification’ => array(‘message’ => $msg, ‘title’ => ‘Helping You Do It’, “android” => array(“title” => “Helping You Do It”, “message” =>$msg, “priority” => “high”), “ios” => array(“title” =>“Helping You Do It”, “message” => $msg)),
I get status:
“state”: “enqueued”, “status”: “open”
and then when I use the API to get more information it says it’s been sent with no errors.
{“data”: [{“notification”: “xxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“status”: “sent”, “created”: “2016-06-02T14:30:35.168905+00:00”,
“token”: {“id”: “xxxxxxxxxxxx”", “created”:
“2016-05-27T12:37:34.241188+00:00”, “app_id”: “xxxxxxxxxxxx”", “token”:
“type”: “android”, “valid”: true, “invalidated”: null}, “uuid”:
“xxxxxxxxxxxx”", “user_id”: null, “error”:
null}], “meta”: {“status”: 200, “version”: “2.0.0-beta.0”, “request_id”:
But the notifications never arrives on my device. I’m using production certificates and I have dev_push set to false.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i’ve hit a brick wall on this.