Push Notification ERROR with Ionic app in android 12 devices

Hello everyone, everything good?

I’m having problems with push notifications (via Firebase) on some cell phone models (Samsung A and others), using Android 12 in an Ionic/Cordova app.

It turns out that I am not receiving push notifications on these devices, but on others with android 11, 10 it is normal…

Anyone with a similar problem?

Sounds like you aren’t using Capacitor? No issues here with the official plugin - Push Notifications Capacitor Plugin API | Capacitor Documentation.

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About this capacitor, the FCMPlugin doesn`t work the same way for notifications?

And can you talk more about this capacitor???

Ionic created Capacitor to replace Cordova - https://capacitorjs.com

Some useful links:

For you, is better migrate from Cordova to Capacitor if the case is Android 12, 13?

I am not familiar with the Cordova community but I am pretty sure you will get better support on Capacitor since it is backed by Ionic (and now OutSystems). Android 12 & 13 are supported with Capacitor. Many Cordova plugins also run fine with Capacitor (it was created to be backward compatible).

just think about the 2 things like this:
Cordova: hell.
Capacitor: paradise.

my life changed since i’ve migrated all my apps to Capacitor.

Don’t hesitate, do the migration asap :slight_smile: