Android below 12 and 13 versions. Got problem on sending firebase push notification in app background in Android 12 and 13 only


We created project in Ionic 5, it’s properly working on Android below 12 and 13 versions. But I got problem on sending firebase push notification in app background in Android 12 and 13 only. Is there is any solution for this? If you have any documentation please provide us.

Thank you.

I am not having any issues on Android 13 with Capacitor 4. This guide is quite helpful - Push Notifications - Firebase | Capacitor Documentation.

More info is definitely needed. You tagged Cordova. Are you using Cordova instead of Capacitor? I would say switch to Capacitor if so :smile: You might need to update Cordova in order to support Android SDK 31/32/33 otherwise.

Have you found the solution? No notifications in the background in android 13
cordova: 10.0.0
ionic/core: 6.1.8

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I’m having this same issue… The only answers I’m finding online is “upgrade to capacitor” which I’ve tried but I have a big project & it’s a mono-repo so every time I attempt I can’t figure it out.
If you figured out a solution please let me know!

install this and try
cordova plugin add @havesource/cordova-plugin-push@dev