Push not working even though we have device IDs

$ionicPush.init and $ionicPush.register appear to be working (our onRegister callback is being called with a device token). However iOS doesn’t display a pop-up asking for permission to push, and neither iOS nor Android are receiving pushed notifications.

We are following the instructions from http://docs.ionic.io/docs/push-usage, and we are getting Ionic Push events logged to the Safari console when debugging a real iOS device:
Ionic Push: – "register" Ionic Push (dev): – "registered with development push service"
Does anyone have any insight into this?

Solved thanks to @asafco4 in the ionic-io-testers Gitter channel:

Due to problems building, I had removed and re-added all of my plugins. When ionic-platform-web-client is added, it defaults dev_push to true. So even though I had set dev_push to false earlier, it was set to true again.

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