Pull down to Refresh and Infinite Scroll

I am using ionic 1.1.0

I have pull down to refresh and infinite scroll implemented following the examples.

They work individually.

The issue I have is, when I pull down to refresh, infinite scroll doesn’t run anymore when it reaches the bottom of the list.

Any idea why this is happening?

Any help is appreciated. Thank a lot in advanced.

Add some code sample, so anyone can help you out.

Here’s the view:



Here’s the controller:

 $scope.doRefresh = function() {
    $scope.page = 1;
    var promise = JobsServices.getJobs($scope.page);
      $scope.jobs = resolve.jobs;

  $scope.loadMore = function() {
    $scope.page ++;
    JobsServices.getJobs($scope.page).then(function(resolve) {
      $scope.jobs = $scope.jobs.concat(resolve.jobs);


Maybe your request returning some errors:

    JobsServices.getJobs($scope.page).then(function(resolve) {
          $scope.jobs = $scope.jobs.concat(resolve.jobs);
        }, function() {
              console.log('Request error');

I tried what you said, there’s no error. Basically loadMore() is not even getting called at all at the bottom of the list after I pull down to refresh. I put a console at the beginning of loadMore() and it run. Any ideas?

Ok, so when you put console.log() in loadMore() you get nothing after you pull down to refresh. And there is also no errors in doRefresh() request ?

$scope.loadMore = function() {
    console.log('Reached here');
    $scope.page ++;
    JobsServices.getJobs($scope.page).then(function(resolve) {
      $scope.jobs = $scope.jobs.concat(resolve.jobs);

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