I have a classic ion-segment bar with horizontal scrolling. The items are several and not all are visible.
When I open the page, I need to move on specific segment. I’d like to emulate animation and scrolling.
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="tabList" scrollable color="dark">
<ion-segment-button *ngFor="let level of levels ; let i=index" [value]="level.roundLevel" [id]="level.roundLevel" (click)="changeTab(i,level, $event)" [class.segment-button-checked]="activeBtn == i">
I use ionic 5.
In ionic 3 I implemented this scenario using this code:
<ion-scroll #scroll scrollX="true" scrollY="false">
<p *ngFor="let level of levels ; let i=index" [id]="level.roundLevel" (click)="changeTab(i,level, $event)"
[ngClass]="{active: activeBtn == i}" [class]="'level'+i">
scrollToRight(index) {
if (this.Scroll) {
let width = (this.Scroll._scrollContent.nativeElement.offsetWidth) / 3;
let offset = width * index;
this.Scroll._scrollContent.nativeElement.scrollTo({ left: offset, behavior: 'smooth' });
} else {
console.log("Scroll undefined")
Could you please help me to implement for ionic5?