Popover link to a view

 <ion-popover-view style="height: 175px">
      <div class="list">
        <a class="item" ui-sref="aboutus">
          About Us
        <a class="item" ui-sref="feedback">
          Advertise With us

Hi i am linking popover to a items to the views like the popover shows the about us feedback page when the user clicks on them he successfully goes to those views but now the problem is i want to show the tabs bar which gets invisible and the back button which doesnt show up so can you guyz help me out please

.state('aboutus', {
url: '/tab-aboutus',
templateUrl: 'templates/tab-aboutus.html'
.state('feedback', {
url: '/feedback',
templateUrl: 'templates/feedback.html'

these are the state parameters of the popover and rest the application is same as the ionic tabs one and each tab has a popover thar points to the popover in the first line

i want to navigate to the about us from every tab and hav the tabs at the bottom and a back button

please help

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Can you create a working example of this problem?

its simple just include popover in each tab and the link the two extra pages of aboutus and feedback and change the urlrouter

i will create a fresh right now