Our first Ionic 2 App

Hi there,

I just wanted to share with you the first complete app that my startup has created using Ionic 2.

Initially the app was written for Ionic 1 but we ended up upgrade the code to Angular 2 and Ionic 2.

The app is available for BETA testing on both Google Play and iTunes.

To test the app on an Android device please follow this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.zyramedia.apps.paa

UPDATE: App is updated and available via this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zyramedia.apps.paa

To test the app on an iOS device send me your email address or post it here to add you to the TestFlight external testers.

Feedback is always appreciated :slightly_smiling:

Also I will be happy to answer any questions, share any code… etc


Hi, I haven’t tested the application yet, but if you want me to, I could translate your description in French :wink:
I’ll test whenever it’s installed on my phone.

Thanks, a translation would be helpful for sure!
Can I contact you once the the app is ready to be fully published and the description has been finalized?

Sure, feel free to contact me whenever you are ready.
However, the application didn’t work for me :
When I want to add a task in my schedule, the checkbox popover appears, and i can’t select any item in the list.
I installed on an Alcaltel One Touch Idol S, with Android 4.2.2

Thank you for the feedback.

I will do the necessary tests and try to figure out the reasons it didn’t work.

I can’t find any official information for some reason, but it seems like Android 4.2.2 is not supported by Cordova …

I will update the app soon and fix a few things, maybe that will fix the issues on your device.

I installed an ionic-1 application on my device already, and it works, not sure it’s a Cordova problem …

I updated the app to Ionic 2.0.0-beta.0 and Cordova android 5.1.0 …
Also fixed a few bugs.

I uploaded a new APK to Google Play … should be version 3.1.21

Hi ihadeed!

I have just tried it in my Samsung S3 device with Android 4.3. It didn´t work. The splash screen appeared and after some seconds, it froze with a blank screen.

Good luck !

Hey @yuricamara,

Sorry for the late response.

I’ve fixed multiple bugs in the app and updated it to latest Ionic 2 BETA. You can install the latest version now from the Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zyramedia.apps.paa

Hey @JC_cap,

Would you be able to test it on your device again now? I’ve updated the app to latest Cordova and Ionic versions.

Same error

Oh I see. I thought you weren’t able to access the app at all.

So basically opening a select box inside a modal causes that issue? Does it occur in any other way? Did you try the action sheets?

It’s the same for the add memo button, and then I’m completely blocked.
In the analyze part :
my phone can’t process fast enough the scroll event, and I got a huge lags when I scroll down
I can’t switch from bar to radar or line graphs (no change when I switch)
After I switch in graph types, I can’t go away from the state
when I click on the first bar of the graph (the only one), I got undefined 8 0 0 in the data popuplike thing

Actually a little buggy on my phone ^^

how launched your app in three seconds ?

Hi ihadeed!

Please i want to begin the migration of my codebases in Ionic 1.x for about 3 apps to Ionic 2 seeing that a Release Candidate is already out. Can you please

  1. recommend a youtube video to help me with angular 2 with a view to migrate the codebase to Ionic 2.
  2. recommend aritcles, post or forum that properly articulates the equivalent replacement of every code i have in my Ionic 1.x code for instance socket.io implementations, $scope, $rootScope, $event, $state and a lot many $ directives/statements/variables.
  3. Is there any application that is similar to the Ionic 2 Conference App in Ionic 1.x on github. I figured comparing the very good Ionic Conference App developed in typescript with a similar one developed in Ionic 1.x as i have been used to in 1-2 years will greatly help any migration conversion learning curve. Better still any Ionic 1.x main sample project and its Ionic 2 version will also be good if the conference app option is not available.

Thank you for your anticipated help.

The just has just been updated for Android and published on iTunes

The screenshots on Google Play aren’t updated yet.


Just downloaded the iOS version. Super good work sir.
Buttery smooth and everything works.

Are you using the standard transitions or the Telerik native transitions plugin?

Thanks for your feedback!

They’re just regular transitions. 100% Ionic 2.x

Hey bud.

Found a bug which I’ll throw your way.
Still like the smoothness of it btw