In an Ionic v3 app with Firebase database, I have a service file that handles getting data from Firebase. A sample function is like so…
getRecords(_filterfield, _value)
let env = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
(val.numChildren()>0) ? resolve(val.val()) : resolve({});
Sample usage in other files…
// Within ionViewDidEnter(){}
// populate an array with the reports. A list on the view is bound to this array
The code works fine. However, when I update the /reports/ node in Firebase, the view doesn’t reflect the change unless I navigate away from the view and return.
How can I cause it to update the view immediately the data changes? I tried using NgZone, but it didn’t work either. Could it have to do with the database call not being in the view’s .ts file?