Not refreshing view on Firebase data change

In an Ionic v3 app with Firebase database, I have a service file that handles getting data from Firebase. A sample function is like so…

getRecords(_filterfield, _value) 
    let env = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
         (val.numChildren()>0) ? resolve(val.val()) : resolve({}); 

Sample usage in other files…

// Within ionViewDidEnter(){}
// populate an array with the reports. A list on the view is bound to this array

The code works fine. However, when I update the /reports/ node in Firebase, the view doesn’t reflect the change unless I navigate away from the view and return.
How can I cause it to update the view immediately the data changes? I tried using NgZone, but it didn’t work either. Could it have to do with the database call not being in the view’s .ts file?


AngularFire2 is your friend.

Thanks. I’ll check it out.