Nav bar not working for view?

I’m working off of the “cordova-seed” project on Github. I have 3 tabs, and a list view on each tab. The list links into another “detail” view. All 3 lists point at the same detail view. The only difference between the 3 tab lists is some filtering that I do server side.

Anyways, when I click an item in the list to get to my “detail” view, the nav bar doesn’t maintain any “back” navigation and the title doesn’t work when setting from a scope property, though I can set the title to a hard-coded string:


My index.html has the following:

<nav-bar type="bar-assertive"

<nav-view name="main"></nav-view>

My state registration for this detail view looks like this:

    .state('ticket-detail', {
      url: '/ticket/:ticketId',
      views: {
        'main': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/ticket-detail.html',
          controller: 'TicketDetailCtrl'
      requireLogin: true

I put it under the main nav-view because I don’t want the tabs to keep showing while I’m on the detail screen.

My tabs live in “sub nav-views” I guess, just like the seed project. For example, in tabs.html:

<nav-view name="yours-tab"></nav-view>

And those states are registered like so:

    .state('tab.yours-index', {
      url: '/yours',
      views: {
        'yours-tab': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/yours-index.html',
          controller: 'YoursIndexCtrl'
      requireLogin: true

How can I maintain the back navigation button for my detail view?

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I’m a little confused, what does your state for ‘tab’ look like? Here’s a diagram that illustrates how the navigation with ui-router works.

I’m not sure you can have a child state with multiple parents, but I am by no means the expert, hopefully @adam or @max can weigh in.

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Here is my entire app.js:

angular.module('snappy', ['ionic', '', 'snappy.controllers'])

.config(function($compileProvider, $httpProvider) {

  // Redirect all unauthorized operations...
  $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(function($q, $injector, AuthService) {
    return function(promise) {
      return promise.then(function(response) { return response; }, function(response) {
        if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
        return $q.reject(response);

.factory('snappyRequestInterceptor', function($rootScope, AuthService) {
  return {
    request: function($config) {
      if (AuthService.hasAuthToken()) {
        $config.headers['X-Snappy-Token'] = AuthService.getAuthToken();
      return $config;

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


    .state('login', {
      url: "/login",
      views: {
        'main': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html',
          controller: 'LoginCtrl'

    .state('tab', {
      url: "/tab",
      abstract: true,
      views: {
        'main': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html'

    .state('tab.inbox-index', {
      url: '/inbox',
      views: {
        'inbox-tab': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/inbox-index.html',
          controller: 'InboxIndexCtrl'
      requireLogin: true

    .state('tab.yours-index', {
      url: '/yours',
      views: {
        'yours-tab': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/yours-index.html',
          controller: 'YoursIndexCtrl'
      requireLogin: true

    .state('tab.waiting-index', {
      url: '/waiting',
      views: {
        'waiting-tab': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/waiting-index.html',
          controller: 'WaitingIndexCtrl'
      requireLogin: true

    .state('ticket-detail', {
      url: '/ticket/:ticketId',
      views: {
        'main': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/ticket-detail.html',
          controller: 'TicketDetailCtrl'
      requireLogin: true


.run(function($rootScope, $state, AuthService) {
  $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
    if (toState.requireLogin && ! AuthService.hasAuthToken()) {

Can you put up a code sample on JsBin, or Plnkr or CodePen?

I’m having trouble understanding the problem.