Hello fellas,
I’m getting a headache with the back button in the nav-bar, sometimes appears sometimes disappears. If I check against $ionicViewService.getBackView() !== null it returns me true but no back button is displayed in the nav bar.
Somebody has experienced the same issue, any hint?
I recently upgraded to .27 hoping that resolve my issues but sadly it didn’t.
I’m gonna try to reproduce my issue in a code pen, but it gonna take a while
I have the same issue. I used the seed project as base with .26 and the back button worked. I switched over to a nightly and the button is gone. I just noticed it and start investigating. I’ll post back if I know what’s wrong.
I’ve been trying to solve the issue of the @francoaa, but I can’t find the problem.
@francoaa : There is something wrong in general as selecting the “About” tab fails to do anything. If I change the default route to the about page, it works but then the Lists page fails.
My solution was made only one parent state called “home” which has 2 nav-views one for the “Main Content” and another for the navigation side menu just like the facebook app (the previous version). Using this pattern I get rid of all the navigation bugs
i don’t know whether it can solve the problem,but i find it can reduce missing, that means judge you now page location ,and force show the backbitten.
$rootScope.$on(’$stateChangeSuccess’, function () {
if ($location.path() != ‘/tab/dash’) {
if ($location.path() != '/tab/destination') {
if ($location.path() != '/tab/account') {