Nav-bar backbutton issues

Hello fellas,
I’m getting a headache with the back button in the nav-bar, sometimes appears sometimes disappears. If I check against $ionicViewService.getBackView() !== null it returns me true but no back button is displayed in the nav bar.

Somebody has experienced the same issue, any hint?

Thanks in advance

I haven’t seen that before.

What version of Ionic are you using?
Can you put up a simple CodePen sample?

I recently upgraded to .27 hoping that resolve my issues but sadly it didn’t.
I’m gonna try to reproduce my issue in a code pen, but it gonna take a while

Here is an example of my issue, I know that I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know which is the correct way to do this

I have the same issue. I used the seed project as base with .26 and the back button worked. I switched over to a nightly and the button is gone. I just noticed it and start investigating. I’ll post back if I know what’s wrong.

I had to add the ion-nav-back-button within my nav-bar, which I was missing until now. It now works again as intended.

Can you share that sample?

I’ve been trying to solve the issue of the @francoaa, but I can’t find the problem.

@francoaa : There is something wrong in general as selecting the “About” tab fails to do anything. If I change the default route to the about page, it works but then the Lists page fails.

Try this:

  • in the items tab select an item
  • then select the category related with that item
  • then select an item from that category
  • try to go back to the home screen (items tab)

You will see that you can’t return to the items tab tapping the back button of the navbar

I’m seeing that same bug and having the same problem. Did you find a solution?

My solution was made only one parent state called “home” which has 2 nav-views one for the “Main Content” and another for the navigation side menu just like the facebook app (the previous version). Using this pattern I get rid of all the navigation bugs :smiley:

Thanks for that, very helpful!

@francoaa: how did you make it work with two nav views? I don’t see how to accomplish this…

i don’t know whether it can solve the problem,but i find it can reduce missing, that means judge you now page location ,and force show the backbitten.
$rootScope.$on(’$stateChangeSuccess’, function () {
if ($location.path() != ‘/tab/dash’) {

  if ($location.path() != '/tab/destination') {
  if ($location.path() != '/tab/account') {
