Mobile app logo

Hello guys,

Is there a way to change the mobile app logo? I mean when it is deployed to the mobile device, I want to change the standard cordova logo.

Best Regards.

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Yes, you will just need to specify the appropriate icon sizes in your config.xml file. Ionic can generate all of the files and add the references for you, check out:

if you are using ionic cli you can use the resource command to generate icons and splashscreens.
In the docs there are psd-templates, that gives you a good guide to create a custom logo/splash.

Hi bengtler,

I tried the way you suggested in the URL but unfortunately nothings changed.

Best Regards.

Any ideas why it is NOT working?

you have to put the psd-files in the resource folder outside of your www-folder.

describe exactly what you are doing

Here is where I put my PNG files. I run the commands in the URL you suggested. But nothings changed.

what should change?

you got the android and ios folder where your new generated files should be stored.

Consider to use a psd-file instead of png-files.

Yep, you are right! The files are generated under IOS icon folder. But how come it is NOT seen when deployed to the mobile device.

this should be done automatically, if you build your app

ionic build android

I am using VS 2013 and when I build the solution it sends the code to MAC- xcode then deploys it to the iphone. But unfortunately logo is not changing.

Ah okay… then you have to look where the splashscreens should be when you are using xcode directly.

if you would ionic cli the splash and icons should be were they are, yet.

@kizildag this happened to me a while back on android, it was my luncher (Aviate) that was not refreshing the icon, I restarted it and it worked!

adding this to config.xml solved the problem.