Master-details page with local data file

Hi. I have bn trying to create an hymn book which if to fetch data from either of xml, json or txt file. I am new to ionic, and had to read so much. I succeeded in making one by editing the ionic conference app (which is more complicated than what I need and ends up having issues with startup time.

Kindly assist.

What I need:

The app should make an infinite list of items from my file
When selected each item should take me to a details page.
To know which file type to use xml, json or txt and how to use them.

I hope I am not asking for too much. Thanks.

Hi @rafadeaderinwale

If you want fetch form JSON file
Below Example fetch data from json :

theApp.factory('mainInfoFactory', function($http) { 
    var mainInfo = $http.get('content.json').success(function(response) {
    var factory = {}; // define factory object
    factory.getMainInfo = function() { // define method on factory object
        return mainInfo; // returning data that was pulled in $http call
    return factory; // returning factory to make it ready to be pulled by the controller

When out get all data from the file you divide all list as per your requirement and display.
