I have been playing with Ionic (thanks a million to the team for all the efforts!) to prototype some apps and I was wondering if anyone have been looking at making the sidebar menu more like the android drawer menu (see https://developer.android.com/design/patterns/navigation-drawer.html), in order to have an app feeling at home on Android.
The 2 main points being:
the sidemenu opens below the header / action bar
the sidemenu expands the menu over the main content (the menu icon in the header is animated, sliding to the left)
I agree and it would be helpful if we made a custom implementation of nesting views as angular states implementation does have a learning curve associated with it.
I’ve been thinking about the same thing - it’d be great if the Side Menu could be somehow tweaked to appear as an overlay over the main content instead of pushing it aside.
If anyone is looking for a short term solution for this until it is added in, I added a new html file to my template that defines my side menu in the merges/android folder and just moved the ion-nav-bar outside of the ion-side-menu-content. Touched it up with a bit of css after that.
The animation won’t change with just the CSS. I worked with Max over the past few weeks to try and something more concrete and will provide a codepen example of it next week.
It looks good. I have problem with side menu. I am not able to close side menu when backdrop click and how to set some color to background when side menu is opened. Here is the codepen http://codepen.io/anon/pen/EPZgeG please do the helpful
It is working great. Thanks for providing the code pen. How to add overlay effect when we open the menu? Can you please tell me how to do or can you provide codepen. Much appreciated.