Job offer: App Update from existing Ionic App 3.9.2


we have an existing Ionic App, which on in developed in ionic version 3.9.2. Now we are looking for a developer, who can update the Ionic version (in vue) and all dependencies to the newest versions.

The App is developed for the iOS and Android platforms.

Right now we are using the following dependencies:

  • com.jareddickson.cordova.tag-manager “Tag Manager” - 1.0.1
  • cordova-plugin-x-toast “Toast” - 2.7.2
  • ionic-plugin-deeplinks “Ionic Deeplink Plugin” - 1.0.17
  • cordova-plugin-is-debug “IsDebug” - 1.0.0
  • cordova-plugin-network-information “Network Information” - 2.0.1
  • cordova-plugin-splashscreen “Splashscreen” - 5.0.2
  • cordova-plugin-statusbar “StatusBar” - 2.4.2
  • cordova-plugin-whitelist “Whitelist” - 1.3.4
  • 3cordova-custom-config “cordova-custom-config” - 5.1.0
  • cordova-plugin-advanced-http “Advanced HTTP plugin” - 2.0.2
  • cordova-plugin-app-version “AppVersion” - 0.1.9
  • cordova-plugin-browsertab “cordova-plugin-browsertab” - 0.2.0
  • cordova-plugin-compat “Compat” - 1.2.0
  • cordova-plugin-device “Device” - 2.0.2
  • cordova-plugin-email-composer “EmailComposer” - 0.9.1
  • cordova-plugin-file “File” - 6.0.1
  • cordova-plugin-file-opener2 “File Opener2” - 2.2.1
  • cordova-plugin-inappbrowser “InAppBrowser” - 3.1.0
  • cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard “cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard” - 2.2.0
  • cordova-plugin-ionic-webview “cordova-plugin-ionic-webview” - 2.3.1
  • @ionic-native/browser-tab-qbix (local in proj) - 4.18.0
  • browser-soap (local in proj) - 1.0.4
  • moment - 2.24.0
  • ng2-pdf-viewer - ^5.2.3
  • sw-toolbox - 3.6.0
  • zone.js0.8.26rxjs - 5.5.11
  • text-encoding - ^0.7.0
  • lodash.isString - ^4.0.1

We are looking for somebody who can update the app as soon as possible. The job should be done latest end of November this year.

We can provide app screenshots (the app is not available right now in the stores) to calculate the requirements for the development. Unfortunately, we cannot provide the source code, before we haven’t a contract with you (because of compliance rules).

The app is working with a backend over an API. The documentation of the API is also done and we can provide these also for the calculation.

We only give the job to someone who gives us a package deal. We think, because of all the existing requirements, the existing API documentation and the existing app source code in ionic version 3.9.2, that this should be possible without any bad news.

When you are interested, feel free to ask me questions.

PS: German developers are preferred. Also developer with senior skills.

Hello Sebstian,

I can help you

Warm Regards

Hey @SebastianLischka

Sent you PM please check.


I can help you
Waiting for your response