Is it possible to make an Ionic app with an Android look and feel instead of iOS?

I’m completely new to Ionic so please bear with me. I just tried to build my first Ionic app, using Visual Studio, and then I tested the iOS version on Ripple, and then the Android version on Visual Studio’s Android emulator. But the the app on Android looks like an iOS app, the UI design.

Is it’s possible to have an Ionic app following Android’s UI design pattern (Material Design)?

Yes, of course, just use an appropriate Material Design theme. Though you will need to create separate versions of your app. At least the UI part. -> If you want to integrate it on your own
Ionic Material Design -> Or you can buy precreated starter app, build your app on this foundation

Or, you can try Ionic 2.

Does Ionic 2 provides different UI themes for different platforms?

That’s awesome, I just checked Ionic 2, it provides a Material Design theme automatically for Android apps. Thanks @Gajotres!