Is it possible to add objective c code in ionic or accedss js in Xcode from Objc?

Hi All,

I have created the app in ionic framework and sucessfully build in ios. Is it possible to add objective c code in ionic source code or can we call those native methods from Ionic (js). Also i need to add local notification on push message. Please suggest how to make this possible.
How to make communication between Obj c code and JS from XCode? Any solution?


You want to create a Cordova plugin.

Thanks! Can we use local notification, Fire the notfication from iOS objc c and receive it from js using ngcordava local notification? Will it work, did you try it before?

Sure, in the worst case you would have to copy some stuff over from the local notification plugin to your plugin if you don’t find a way to make the two speak to each other - but this should be possible. But no, no experience with this.

Ok Thanks! Will try and let you know.