Is there a provision to add or place native code in an ionic app?

I want to place native code like objective-c in an ios app and call those native methods from Ionic . Is there a provision to do that without using Cordova plugins ?

Similar questions I am having, but on Android front… Want to use some Native Java code and make both hybrid and native work simultaneously.
Kindly advice.

Also if anyone having implemented Push Notifications using Azure Mobile Services as a backend.

Thanks in advance.

You guys work for Facebook?

This would be beyond what the forum could give you for support, but you’re best bet is to work with cordova plugins.

If not that, try stackoverflow

I guess the link pointed by mike is the only way I can think of now to add native modules inside an ionic app.
It would be great if we can add .ipa file for ios and .apk for android directly to our project and use them.

Can someone shed light on this,if its possible ?


Plugins are going to be the only way that you can do this. You can’t add an ipa or apk directly to another app

The entire point of Cordova/Phonegap is to do exactly what you’re saying you want to do. So you’ll have to write your own plugin.