Is it better to update ionic/capacitor versions immediately or wait?

Is it better to update to a new version immediately or wait until they’ve been tested out more?
I guess I’m wondering how stable releases usually are.

For Capacitor, it’s recommended to update to the latest major version as soon as possible, at least if you create Android apps, because starting in August, Google Play will require that any new app or app updates you submit, targets SDK 33, and for properly supporting targeting SDK 33, you’ll have to use Capacitor 5 (still in beta). So, once is final, you’ll have a relatively small window to update imposed by Google.

If you only create iOS apps, then it’s not that urgent to update, but always recommended as new releases include new features and bug fixes.
While Apple also requires to use the latest major SDK, it doesn’t usually affects Capacitor apps, just require you to use latest Xcode to submit apps to the App Store, which BTW, they will require Xcode 14.1 or newer starting the 25th of this month.

Great, thanks for the reply Julio, really helpful :slightly_smiling_face: