iOS SDK 16.1 - build stack support?

Is there a newer build stack coming out soon to address this? Or perhaps an environment variable that can be set to specify a more recent version of iOS SDK?

ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 16.0 SDK. Starting April 2023, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 16.1 SDK or later, included in Xcode 14.1 or later.

Yes, we are imminently going to publish a new build stack. We posted about this yesterday, see here or within Appflow itself.

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The 2023.03 macOS Build Stack was released on March 23rd, 2023.

If you are building an iOS app with the intention of distributing it to the App Store, select build stack “macOS - 2023.03.” If you have an iOS Automation, it will be automatically migrated to the new build stack on Friday, March 31st.

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Hey @netkow, just wanted to let you know that the new version doesn’t have the Latest label.
Anyway, thanks for the new build stack :raised_hands:t4:.

Thanks, Dayana! That’s intentional to give the new build stack time to let devs try it out for a few days in case of any issues. We’re mark it Latest this Friday (before the “April 2023” deadline from Apple).