IOS Local File Upload


I am facing the problem when i choose the file from iPad locad directory for upload. I cant able to upload file from iPad or iPhone local directory.but its working fine for iCloud file.

Is there any Solution?

many t.hanks

Add some code please


please refer my below code that i have used.

>  public ChooseFile() {   
>        let self1 = this;    
>        if ('ios')) { 
>           FilePicker.pickFile(uri => {       
>                this.choosenfilepath = uri       
>                this.filecontentsize = true;      
>           }, 
>        function (error) {       
>        self1.presentalert(JSON.stringify(error));     
>      },        
>      function (sucess) {
>         })    
>  }    
>    if ('android')) {     
>      let self = this;      
> => {   
>       (window as any).resolveLocalFileSystemURI(url, function (fileEntry) {    
>          fileEntry.file(function (fileObj) {      
>            var maxfilesize = 1024 * 1024 * 20;     
>            if (maxfilesize > fileObj.size) {       
>           self.filecontentsize = true;     
>         }          
>    });        
>  });       
>    if (url.startsWith('raw:/')) {       
>        url.replace("raw:/", "");      
>    }      
>    this.filepath.resolveNativePath(url).then(result => {    
>        this.choosenfilepath = result;      
>    })         
>   .catch(err => {     
>         this.choosenfilepath = url;       
>         self.presentalert(JSON.stringify(err));      
>        })    
>    })       
>   .catch(err => {    
>        this.presentToastss('error ocuured during opning file');   
>       })   
>     } 
>   }


and what the error you get?

not getting any error but when i am going to choose file in iPad there is a no option available for choose file from iPad local directory (from iPad).
where as i am able to choose file from iCloud but not for local file.

this way look like the old way please see docs

constructor(private filePicker: IOSFilePicker) { }


  .then(uri => console.log(uri))
  .catch(err => console.log('Error', err));

i have tried this but its not working. Still i am not able to choose file from local directory.
please see attachment

there is 4 options

  1. On my iPad
  2. iCloud Drive
  3. Dropbox
  4. Recently Deleted

but there is a no more option for local directory like (File Manager , Gallary).

Thats because you can’t. You can if you use the html file input <input type="file>

same problem with me :frowning: