Hi everyone,
I’m new on Ionic Forum so sorry if I misunderstood the way to do a post.
I have a problem with Ionic storage in my Ionic App for Windows (UWP app). I already tested and deployed my app for Android without any trouble.
Now I would like to generate an UWP app.
The app I’m developing is a workshop’s dashboard. The indicators change every day and I need to save them from one day to another. To do this I usethe storage module of Ionic.
When launching the command $ionic serve
, the app responds exactly as it should in the web browser (Firefox). From one launch to another my data are still there.
When I use $ionic cordova run windows
, the installation and launch steps of my app work fine. Every function of my app runs fine, but the call to storage (get()
and set()
) doesn’t work : when I close, and then reopen it as an autonomous application, I loose all data every time. It is the same when I run the app from Visual Studio.
Moreover, I write some console.log()
in the result of the promise and none of them is written in the Javascript console. It is like Windows does not recognize the command.
I tried with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and Visual Studio 2017, the result is identical. I followed the recommendation of Ionic Doc and add the target platform windows10 in the config.xml.
Does anyone have an idea of what I’m doing wrong ? Is there an incompatibility between Windows and Ionic ?
Thanks for any help.
My Config :
Windows 10 64-bits
Ionic CLI: 3.19.1
Cordova CLI : 8.0.0
Node : v6.11.2
Visual Studio Community 2017 (15.5.27130.2036)
Extract of my code maPage.ts :
import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
export class maPage {
constructor(public storage: Storage) {
TabData = {
id: 0,
label: '',
Tab1: [],
Tab2: [],
attri1 : 0,
attri2: false
Param = {
Objet1: {NbObj1: 7},
Objet2: {NbObj2: 5}
var Data: object;
Data =
TData: this.TabData,
TParam: this.Param
this.storage.set('Data', Data).then(_=> {
console.log('Backup done!');
}, error => {
console.log('erreur : ', JSON.stringify(error))
console.log('storage ready');
this.storage.get('Data').then((val) => {
this.TabData = val.TData;
this.Param = val.TParam;
console.log('Récupération terminée !');
}).catch(err => {
console.log('La variable Data est vide ou n\'existe pas!');
console.log('err : ', JSON.stringify(err));
}).catch(err => {
console.log('storage not ready');
console.log('err : ', JSON.stringify(err));