Ionic View App does not navigate to inner view

Hi there,

I don’t know if it is me or there is an issue. I have a tab project that, in one tab, has the following hierarchy: Events -> Sessions -> Attendees.

When I launch the application with the ionic serve --lab command, or if I emulate it, everything works fine. If I do it in the Ionic View app (only tried it on iOS), then I can never reach the Attendees view.

url: '/events',
views: {
  'tab-events': {
    templateUrl: 'templates/tab-events.html',
    controller: 'EventsCtrl'


.state('tab.event-sessions', {
url: '/event/sessions/:eventId',
views: {
  'tab-events': {
    templateUrl: 'templates/event-sessions.html',
    controller: 'EventSessionsCtrl'


.state('tab.event-session-attendees', {
url: '/event/sessions/attendees/:eventId/:sessionId',
views: {
  'tab-events': {
    templateUrl: 'templates/session-attendees.html',
    controller: 'SessionCtrl'


I had not try it yet on a real device, but it is only in the Ionic View that does not work.

Thanks for the support!

I will close it myself. It was due to the fact that the upload and the pull to refresh, even though it updates the date time of the latest upload within the app, it does not really update it until the app is synced again, for instance, by clearing the app data and download it again.

Thanks anyway :smile: