Hello guys, im working with Ionic v4, cordova & angular, implementing google-maps.
My issue is because running &/or compile my application all work fine, but at open it at browser or mobile android device, it doesnt work.
Making a little of troubleshooting i find this:
localhost:8000 / localhost:8100 - Not work: NET:::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE
localhost:8000/http://localhost:8100 - Works!
Now doing step by step, code review, compilation, execution with livereload… I can see that sometimes after run with livereload, config.xml file change the following to lines:
1.- **<content src="index.html" />**
2.- **<allow-navigation href="http://localhost:8000" sessionid="02bc4511" />**
1.- **<content original-src="index.html" src="http://localhost:8100" />**
2.- **<allow-navigation href="http://localhost:8100" sessionid="02bc4511" />** - this line not change, it is added below at: <allow-navigation href="http://localhost:8000" sessionid="02bc4511" />