Ionic-slide-box swipe is only responsive of the left side of the screen

I have a ionic-slide-box inside a ion-content and I can swipe right (next), but not left(back). I am generating the slides with an ng-repeat.
It is possible to swipe back, but I need to start the movement on the right side of the screen, which is very counter-intuitive.
I am running it on Android 4.4.2.
On iOS 8 it is a bit more responsive, but the swipe motion still needs to start either in the center or the right side of the screen.

Pseudo-code is something like:

      <div ng-controller = 'MainController as main'>     
        <ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideHasChanged($index)">
          <ion-slide ng-repeat="color in main.colors track by $index">
            <h1>{{ main.color }}</h1>
            <h1>There are no more colors</h1>

EDIT: It is possible to swipe back, but I need to start the movement on the right side of the screen, which is very counter-intuitive
EDIT2: similar behavior in iOS8