Ionic, Problem with slider image

Hey guys, I have trouble on dealing with this problem. When the user click the gallery view(the blue icon), there will be display of all the images from the slider(gallery page) and I want the user able to click any desire image from the gallery then it direct them back to the slider of the selected image/page number.

I appreciate any help and I also include screenshot of the layout.


    <ion-slide *ngFor="let post of magjan">
      <ion-card style="width:20%">
        <ion-icon style="color:blue" name="images" (click)="gridView()"></ion-icon>
      <img src="{{post.image}}" imageViewer="{{post.image}}">
      <p>Page {{post.number}} out of 10</p>


<ion-content padding>
      <ion-col col-6 col-md-4 col-xl-3 *ngFor="let post of magjan">
          <img src="{{post.image}}" imageViewer="{{post.image}}">
          <p style="text-align:center">Page {{post.number}} of 10</p>

home.ts and gallery.ts (same content)

  magjan = [
      image: '',
      number: '1'
      image: '',
      number: '2'
      image: '',
      number: '3'
      image: '',
      number: '4'
      image: '',
      number: '5'
      image: '',
      number: '6'
      image: '',
      number: '7'
      image: '',
      number: '8'
      image: '',
      number: '9'
      image: '*D8IMopmT21mzjdFx3zOzlA.jpeg',
      number: '10'

  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {

//only for home.html