Ionic native Camera in part of screen

Hi ! :slight_smile:

Is it possible to open the camera in the half of the screen and display otherthing in the other part of the screen please ? :slight_smile:

Nobody have a solution ? :frowning:

It seems tricky. Remember you need to access native functionality across many platforms. You might need native programming. I’m not sure a hybrid approach would ensure consistency.

So it’s not recommanded to modify the camera’s view ? :frowning:

How would you do it?

That’s the question :wink: I just would open the camera and display my logo in the top half corner during the camera is open… But I don’t know how I can do that.

hello I have one problem ,in whatsapp application when I click on camera icon …how that list
of images are display from gallery directly ??… please help me …am not
able to find solution to this task “how to display list of horizontal
images in ionic application” …i use camera ,imagepicker,imageviewer…
plugin but still not find solution …please see below image i want such output of listed image