How can show camera in part of the page or in one pages in tab

i want to show camera in part of the page in fact the camera by default is full screen but i want to put the camera in half of the page with one white square in the middle of the camera and some button that triggers the flash .
how can i implement this please help me tnx.

I think you must use camera-preview plugin:

tnx i will test it i hope it work

i forgot to say somthing i want to scan qrcode.

Can you not just use a QRCode plugin?

look i want to scan qr codes and i used ionic qr code scanner but when trigger it the camera shows in full screen mode but i want to put camera in half of the page with one white square in the middle of camera can i do this or not .

Dunno - good luck with that

look this post

Do you have found a solution to this problem?

yes i found some good solution

1 Like

Can you help me? and tell me what solution you used?

Thanks very much… :pray: :pray: :pray:

can you help me on how you make it?

Hey buddy, can you share your solution? Please!!!

Please tel me solution for open scanner in half page

Can you share your workaround on having the scanner half of the page?